Work Experience

My current and previous work experience!

Product Programmer

At Teknion Ltd. I programmed furniture extension tools for a specifying program in a 3D environment. It involved working with different teams such as engineers, database, and modeling teams. While doing all this, I captured the processes that are involved in creating and maintaining the work that was done as well as finding opportunities for automating anything repetitive.

I've successfully launched furniture specifying tools for the Studio TK products, which can be found on Configura's marketplace. There are over 200 users using the extension in just three months!

E-Commerce Manager

A website that used dropshipping to create orders for vaping products. I worked with WordPress and WooCommerce to make sure fraudulent or invalid orders don't go through. I also communicated with the web dev team about the development of the website.

Unfortunately, the website and business was ended in 2020 due to being unprofitable because of Covid-19.

Product Programmer

I got a chance to be the first CM programmer in Canada to work at Inscape to create furniture specifying tools and extensions in CET Designer. My job was to program the rules for each piece of Inscape furniture and make it easy for designers to use our extension to build what our clients wished for. I was also part of the FIRE Project which integrated tablet devices and desktop computers to create a seamless sharing experience between the designers and dealers.

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3D Animator

This was a project I worked during school at our Open Source Program at Seneca. My job was to create prototype animations of datasets displayed as orbiting “planets”. I was a given a CSV file with values for each “planet”, having size, distance, etc. I would use a 3DS Maxscript to import it, and then create animations based on the requirements.

Here is a prototype we ended up making with WebGL

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Help Desk Specialist

I worked as a help desk specialist at the King City Seneca Campus during my coop term. I really enjoyed this job because allowed me to help out my fellow students with technical issues. I also helped out in installing new software and new images on computers being upgraded on the campus. My duties also included helping Seneca employees and solve software/hardware related issues on campus.

Personal Projects

Below is a collection of projects that I've worked on in school and on my own time. They range from games, extensions, to voice controlled programs.

ThreeJS Projects

Javascript, Three.js

In my spare time, I am studying the Three.js library through YouTube videos and courses. It's a lot of fun and really challenging to work with!

I really like the threejs-journey course by Bruno Simon. Its very well documented, explained, and really fun to follow along. I highly recommend taking his course if you are interested in 3D Web development.

All the stuff that I make with Three.js, you can check it out on github.

Or click the donut! 👉

L-System Generator Plugin

3DS MaxScript

This is an L-system generator plug-in I created in Autodesk 3ds Max for the Procedural Modelling for Games course. Its function is to generate random trees/plants based on the seed that it is given and the options that are selected.

You can change the texture, min/max branch bending, number of iterations, branch thickness, and the type of leaf you want. Every time you generate a tree, it’s always unique. This can make some really interesting and weird looking trees.

By far my favorite assignment I got work on while at school. You can check out the source code here.

Exocortex Plugin

JavaScript is a web based 3D Editor developed by Exocortex. I was required to create a plug-in for this editor in the Procedural Modeling for Games course. I chose to create a replicator plug-in which took an object and duplicated it based on the values entered by the user.

The image above is actually a screen-shot of my duplicator in action. It's duplicating a simple box, altering it with each duplication.

You can download the source code for the replicator here.

Sliddy's Adventure


Sliddy's Adventure is a game that my two friends and I created in an Introduction to Game Programming course at our school. We created our game based on our professor's game engine using DirectX 9.0c.

You can visit our wiki page, where my group members and I documented our work on this game. You will also find my contributions to this project and the things I learned while working on it.

You can download the compiled code here.

Unreal Engine 3 Isometric Shooter Game

Unreal Script

This is a project I got to work in school with my two other friends. Our requirement was to create a game of our style of choice using Unreal Engine 3.

This project was a lot of fun, and I got to design the map, enemies, hazards, sound effects, and how the camera worked with the player.

You can view a video demo here.

Project LimitBreaker


Project LimitBreaker is a website that I and three other colleagues created for a Major Project - Planning and Design course that required us to work on it over a course of two semesters.

This website is made for people who wish to log their exercises and view their progress through an experience based system, similar to the way many current on-line games use.

You can view our progress on the GitHub page.

Voice Mixing Application


This is a project that was inspired by wanting to share music with my friends while I played video games with them. This application is written in C# and uses an open source audio and MIDI library called NAudio.

This project was particularly challenging, as it involved figuring out a way to mix two input sources (my microphone and the music I was playing) into one source (what my friends where hearing) and at the same time, outputting the music to myself as well.

You can find it on GitHub here, as well as instructions on how to install and use it.

Voice Controlled Application


My first voice controlled C# application I made was called Hue Voice.

I made this app so I could control my Hue lights in my room using only my computer's mic. It can change the color of the lights, turn them on and off, and control brightness.

I also added the ability to open applications/games, turn off the computer, and doing some unit conversions when asked.

It listens for a key word, and only then does it interpret what you are saying. You can find it on GitHub here.